Before I start with that though, I felt it was important to
reflect a little on the year we’ve recently left behind. If you read my last
post, you’ll know that 2018 came to quite a negative end and being in the
circumstances that I am now, it’s easy for me to call the year a total write
off. However, I didn’t want to set my goals for the year, without looking back
and listing some of the positives from 2018. So without further ado …
The things that I’m proud of achieving in 2018 are:
I completely broke out of my comfort zone on
multiple occasions! Quitting my job and leaving everyone and everything
familiar behind to fly to the other side of the world & all of the amazing
challenges I faced whilst there- 14,000ft skydive, say whaaaaat!?
I saw some amazing places and met some amazing
people travelling the East Coast of Australia and around Bali
I managed to get my previous job back and went
on to complete further professional training courses
I took another 4 trips within Europe, I
definitely clocked up the air miles in 2018.
I finally made the decision that I want to go to
university –I’m now half way through an access
course and have managed to receive offers from all 5 of the universities that
I’d applied to.
So what do I have on the agenda for 2019? Quite a lot,
actually. For now, my priority has to be getting well and doing my upmost best
to take care of my wellbeing, but there are definitely other things that I want
to do. Things that will hopefully put a smile on my face along the way…
To constantly progress through recovery and
finish 2019 differently to 2018
To complete my access course & go to University
to start a Psychology degree.
To travel often and visit somewhere I’ve not yet
been before
To prioritise self-care ; saying yes or no when
I want to
To be consistent in blogging and not let
self-doubt or worry stop me from doing it.
To be present and enjoy what life has to offer
(not focusing on food/weight)
Read more & scroll less
To give more time to the things that make me
happy; writing, walking, travelling, photography, yoga… to name a few!
Those are my main ones. As you’ve
probably gathered by now, I ‘m quite a fan of the whole setting
goals/resolutions, so I have many more smaller goals that I wish to achieve-
but we’ll save them for another day! So what are your goals for 2019? That’s if
you set them of course! I hope that If you have they involve all of the things
that will make you healthy and happy and not a list of plans to stop or reduce
the things that make you, you!
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