What do you want to achieve?

How many times have you sat watching Tv or scrolling through social media looking at people that travel the world, become  fitness fanatics or are just out there achieving their dreams and thought…’I wish I could do that’.
We become so comfortable and stuck in our routines that we forget that there’s a whole world out there and the opportunities are endless- there not just out there for certain people- we can all go after anything we wish. So why do we just sit dreaming about the things we’d like to do or see in the world? I think part of it is to do with us all being creatures of habit- we so easily fall in to routine and get stuck in this safety net where we almost look at our dreams as being reckless, unrealistic or simply unachievable. In many cases a lot of what’s holding us back is confidence- we look at these people out there doing the things we wish and simply think we aren’t capable of doing it, we’re afraid of failing… but wouldn’t you much rather look back and think ‘ah well I tried’ rather than ‘what if’? I know which I’d prefer. We also become afraid of what those around us will say/think when we tell them we’re cracking out of routine and taking  a risk on something- this fear is mostly because many reactions will be ‘ooh you have to be careful doing that’ or ‘really? Shouldn’t you be saving your money for a house or something?’ most of these reactions are right- we do need to be careful and yes we should probably be saving our money but life is for living so why not?
I think there’s three things you need to achieve your dreams/goals; confidence, motivation & a plan. Afterall they do say a goal without a plan is just a dream/wish. Why not make yours a reality?
Write out the things you want to do/see or achieve and then make a few steps/goals of things to do to work towards achieving these. Your ambitions should be enough motivation but as you achieve the little goals working towards your big dream the feeling of satisfaction and reward will keep pushing you forward until you’re doing exactly what you’ve always wanted.
So what do you want? Do you want to travel the world? Do you want a change of career? Or do you  want to get fit? You can do anything you want as long as you believe you can. If you sit thinking ‘I could never do that’ chances are you won’t. We’ve all heard of mind over matter, right? Go after your goals, we only have one life- please, please, please don’t waste it wishing you could do something- because chances are…you can!
I don’t know where all of this has come from on Sunday morning!? I think I’m partly trying to put myself and keep myself in the mindset that we really can achieve what we choose. This is a really helpful mindset towards recovery- the amount of times I sit there thinking it just won’t get better, I need to remember that it will and I’ll take every step to make that happen. It also motivates me and inspires me for the future- I’ve always wanted to see a bit more of the world and thrive within fitness. So you know what? That’s exactly what I’ll do… starting with a plan!
So… What do you want to achieve?

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