Mistaking Rest for Failure

We live in a world that thrives on productivity, getting things done and succeeding in all elements of life. A world where ‘settling’ is frowned upon. Many of us seem to work extremely hard to achieve a goal and then barely allow ourselves 5 minutes of pride, before jumping to the next goal. It’s almost impossible to relax, to live in the moment, to embrace exactly where we are.
We live in a world in which we proudly say ‘we’ve not stopped’ or ‘have been so busy’, yet shamefully mistake rest for laziness or failure. Are you someone that can relate? Welcome to the club, you’re not alone by any means! If you know me, or have been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m very big on to-do lists, exceeding goals, and basically just getting shit done! I never thought that there was such thing as ‘too busy’, but there is. I was. I kept my self so busy in fact, that I didn’t even realise just how unwell I had become.

Dealing with the January Diet Craze

January, the month that’s known as the calm after the storm, yet also the month that everyone is going at 100 miles per hour to follow the whole ‘new year, new me’ band wagon. It’s the month that the gyms get much busier and diet culture hits its peak as everyone is working towards ‘working Christmas off’. Everyone you talk to seems to be starting some new diet and discussing what they’ve decided to cut out, how many times they’re exercising , how much weight they’re losing and how much weight they want to lose! Of course, the media are also quick to fuel this band wagon meaning that tv and radio adverts are constantly promoting the latest diet craze, to help you to ‘become the best version of you’ or how good you can feel through losing weight. As an average person, being surrounded by this focus and talk of diets makes it pretty hard not to get sucked in and jump head first in to the whirlwind of comparisons and negative self-talk. So what does it mean for those who already have a difficult relationship with food? Those recovering from an eating disorder? Hard work – and that’s putting it very lightly.

Goals & Reflections

Considering January is whizzing by, I felt it was only right for this post to focus on the goals that I have for 2019. I’ve always been a person that thrives from setting goals. I think it can be so easy to fall in to a routine, for things to remain exactly the same & if you’re happy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! However, if you’re like me and find yourself day dreaming about what your life could look like, but nothing actually changing- then goals are the way forward. I love having things to aim towards and being mindful that I am taking steps to achieve them. Also, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy looking back at the end of the year and seeing how many of my resolutions I can tick off! So this year I especially wanted to make sure I make the most of the year and incorporate all the changes, trips and activities that I want to do.

A Year Absent From Blogging

‘Continue regular posts on my Instagram and blog’ (Kirsty, Dec 2017). Well, considering we are in January 2019 and it’s been approximately an entire year since my last blog post, I think we can safely say that, that particular resolution went well and truly out of the window!
So where have I been? Without going in to a whole load of detail, 2018 was definitely a whirlwind of a year and came with many ups and downs, to put it lightly! I’m sure I’ll be getting in to the ins and outs of the year in future posts, but for now I’ll save you the details. Let’s just say the year started with some amazing positives, which involved me following my dream to explore Australia & Bali and then went on to end with a bit of a bump and my biggest relapse to date. Nothing like a good cliffhanger, is there!?