Today was a refreshing change.
After a weekend of being in complete
bitch mode and not wanting to socialise with anyone outside of my four walls,
today was a refreshing change!
I got up this morning and felt like I
had the energy to take on the day- which is a pleasant surprise considering I’d
had the worst night sleep in a long time and had spent the previous 2 days like
a walking zombie! I decided to make the most of it and headed out first thing
on a big walk with my dog- this is always a good start to the day for me. I don’t
know what it is about walking but it can clear my head so much, and trust me,
there’s a lot of clearing to do!
I then fetched my little cousin and
spent a few hours with her filled with random conversations, al fresco lunch,
walking, spontaneous ice creams & plenty of laughing of course! It was so
nice to just be outside and spending time with my cousin hearing all about life
as an 11 year old- she inspires me so much and without even realising she
pushes me to battle on so I can be a good role model/support system for her!
The day didn’t end there- as you’ve
probably learnt by now, I do nothing by halves! I either don’t want to do
anything or when the mood gets me I’m anywhere and everywhere! The rest of the
day was spent on iced coffee & catch ups as well as even more walks to make
the most of the sunshine!
My long ramble may seem like nothing
and is probably an average, boring day to many people, but to me it’s an
achievement. I made plans, followed through on them and was able to battle my
mind and actually enjoy the day- heck, I ate out and even enjoyed an ice cream!
There were dips in the day where I just wanted to get home and nap but I didn’t,
I challenged it and carried on with my day. I know that’s not achievable every
day but days like today give me hope that there is life at the end of all of
this and hopefully one day it will be my ‘norm’ minus all the negative thoughts
and lows – I hope!
like today just confirm that brighter days do exist and no matter how few or
far apart they are, every single one is an achievement and gives me hope to
keep fighting through the bad days. Some days are about just getting through
the day but others are about living and that’s exactly what I aim to do!
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