5 Future Hopes

At the moment I feel consumed by my current situation. Some days it can be pretty difficult to see that there’s life at the end of all of this. I’ve been reflecting a lot and thinking about things I hope to change in the long run, over the last few years I’ve collected quite a few unhealthy beliefs, traits and habits that not only feed in to my illness but also make life pretty lifeless. I’m not going to babble on with hundreds of goals I’d wish to achieve but here’s 5 of the things I’m aiming towards…

1) Those that mind don’t matter, those that matter don’t mind- This is a big one for me. I want to learn to be who I am and say what I feel without the complete terror of what other people will think of me. There are so many occasions where I will refuse invites out or just sit in complete silence thinking intensely about what to say, followed by every possible reason why it would make a person not like me. I think this is a pretty common one, however when struggling with mental illness it’s easy to start to feel like a burden even to the people closest to you. It becomes a much safer and easier option to isolate yourself and not talk about how you really feel due to the fear that they’ll think your mad and run a mile- I need to learn to accept that I’m unwell at the moment and yes I may not be the most reliable, fun, predictable or happiest person to be around most days – but those that love and value me for who I really am will be by my side regardless- and those that run a mile really don’t matter.  
2) Ditch the guilt- Guilt about eating, guilt about not eating, guilt about activeness, guilt about laziness,  guilt about family, guilt about friends, guilt about choices, guilt about recovering, guilt about not recovering, guilt, guilt, guilt. I feel like my brain just runs on guilt most hours of most days. I’m working on remembering that I’m currently living with a poorly brain and fighting my mind every day- I need to cut myself some slack and remember that I’m doing the best I can with what I have. No amount of guilt will ever change the past, you can pick yourself up and start again at any moment of any day.
3) Be more spontaneous- At the moment it’s really important for me to have plans in place, I like to plan what I’m doing, when I’m doing it, what I’m eating, where I’m going etc. This is pretty helpful for me at the minute so I can prepare myself and manage my fears and anxieties and stay on track. On the good days I’m trying to push myself to be a little spontaneous- my aim one day is to be able to say yes more and do what I feel, when I feel. Afterall the best moments usually are the ones unplanned. I hope to be comfortable with the fact that I can’t control everything and that’s ok.
4) Moderation- Due to the nature of my illness the word moderation may as well be foreign to me! I certainly don't do things by halves and tend to go from one extreme to the other. I can’t wait to be in a place where moderation is achievable! I want to accept that it’s ok not to be perfect and stop putting a shed load of pressure on myself in recovery and in life in general.
5) Discover who I am-  Those of you that have struggled with any form of mental illness may be able to relate with the feeling that you’ve completely been consumed and no longer know who you are. I’m on a mission to discover who I am- I know that my mental health will always be a part of me and thats ok.. but I want to learn who Kirsty is – what I like, what I don’t like, who I want to be, where I want to be. This can be anything from bucket list goals right through to the clothes I wear and the music I listen to. I want to find who I am and ditch the comparisons to everyone else!!

These things remind me of why I’m fighting and keep me motivated to push through the bad days. There’s a life out there waiting and working towards the above will help me on my journey to living it.



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