2017 Reflections

My 2017-
As it's December and the end of 2017 is fast approaching, I feel it's the perfect time to hide from the winter weather, snuggle up and reflect on the highlights of this year! 2017 has certainly been a good one... 

My Job-
Those that know me, know that I’m beyond passionate about my job- (I work in mental health supporting young people). I feel that I went through my journey for a reason, and that was to help other people!  This year I’ve been lucky enough to have so many opportunities, from raising awareness with public speaking & events to furthering my own knowledge and skills. I’ve honestly loved every second and feel so lucky to be able to do what I do.  

I Ran Chester Half Marathon-
I still pinch my self that I can tick this off as something I’ve done. In the past I have neglected and put my body through so much, I never thought that this is something I’d be able to do. I’m proud of my self for fuelling my body whilst training to do this regardless of the mind battles I was experiencing. The run itself was an amazing experience, I’ve done a blog post on it previously if you want to read more about it! Anyone considering signing themselves up for 2018 – I say go for it!
I was discharged from mental health services-
If you’d of told me this at the start of the year, I’d of laughed (or cried) in your face… I honestly can’t believe how much progress I’ve made within this year in my recovery. I’ve felt better this year than I have for about 7 years, and I can honestly say I’m not exaggerating. I’m by no means claiming to be perfect or 100% - but recovery is measured in progress and I feel beyond lucky and proud for getting to where I am today and continuing to thrive for my future.

I spent time with the people I love, created memories and…. actually lived!!!!
Following on from the above… This year I’ve said ‘yes’ a lot more than I ever would have previously. Wether that’s to a party, a festival, a slice of cake or a trip away – 95% of the time it’s been a yes from me! This year I’ve created so many amazing memories with the people I love, I’ve embraced every minute of them. Most importantly, I’ve been able to manage & take control of my disordered thoughts to actually enjoy my self rather than worrying/overthinking/avoiding the food.  I’m starting to be able to look at photos and remember how happy I felt rather than that my mind was consumed elsewhere & that’s one of the greatest things I could want.


Finally, I booked my first solo trip to Australia!!
February 2018 I’ll be on that plane to Australia ready to start my adventure!! I’ve done a whole post on this if you’re interested but I am beyond excited and SO glad that I’ve took the steps to make my goal a reality!

So overall, it’s been a pretty amazing year. It’s had its hurdles and negatives like any year, but these have been by far outweighed by all of the positives. I’m determined to make 2018 twice as amazing as this year-  I’ll be doing a post about my hopes, aims and goals for the year so make sure to keep a look out! But until then it’s time to make the most of what’s left of 2017! Lots of Christmas festivities surrounded by the people that make my smile that little bit bigger every day!

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