Not always easy, trust me I know! We could have 100 good
things going on in our lives but if there is one negative, we will become
completely consumed by it and forget all the good. I’ve started to finish my
day thinking of 3 positive things that happened that day. It could have been a
complete disaster of a day, but there are always positives even if it’s the fact
that you got through the day or have a comfy bed to end the night in! There are
so many negatives going on in the world and sometimes we just need to remind
ourselves of how many amazing things happen in the world that we live in.
The people you surround yourself with-
I only have people in my life that add to my life. These people make me feel good about myself, make
me laugh on a daily basis and create memories with me from simple walks &
coffee dates to trips or nights away. They are people that make my smile bigger
and my laugh louder and most importantly they fill my heart on a daily basis.
They accept me exactly how I am and try to understand my journey and support me
every day. These people contribute to my wellbeing in a million ways and most
of the time without even realising. Having the right people in your life is so
so important- friends should love, support and empower you – if people are
doing anything to bring you down or not treat you right, are they really worth
it? We tend to accept the treatment that we think we deserve- rewind 12 months
ago and any one could say or do anything and I would 100% accept it regardless
of how negative it was. I’m learning to value my self and that starts with the
people around me- my circle of people are the reason I am who I am today and I wouldn’t
change them for the world.
Balance –
I spoke a lot about
balance in my previous blog post, so I wont ramble too much about this. I honestly
believe balance is key wether its balancing food, exercise, social life, work
etc. Having a good balance in life is so important. I’m naturally an all or
nothing type of person but I’m slowly but surely getting better at this!
‘Down time’-
I’ve recently
started to appreciate the importance of down time. For me this is all about
taking some time away from the chaos of day to day life and taking time to have
a long soak in the bath, go for a walk or get stuck in to series on Netflix
with some decent snacks! Either way it’s taking time for yourself and no matter
what your brain tells you – it’s needed and definitely isnt a waste of time!
Have dreams & goals and work towards them!!! Don’t ever
settle for what you think is acceptable or achievable. If you have things you
want to do or see then the only person stopping you is yourself- I learnt this
when I was unwell with my eating disorder- no matter how much support you have
around you – nobody can save you until you decide to save yourself! That lesson
can be used in all walks of life- if you want to go to university- do your
research, work towards it and make it happen. Want to start a blog? Sit at your
laptop and start writing! We often feel like we have limits that stop us from
achieving our dreams but our biggest limit is ourselves. I’ve started to live
by the saying ‘better so what than what if’. I’d much rather try to do
something than sit in years to come regretting the fact that I never tried. I
have so many goals and ambitions which I’ll save for another post but just so
you know I’m not all talk… One of my biggest loves is travelling and I’ve
always said I’d love to see Bali. So, I made a savings plan, my flights are now
booked and I’m heading out there in October and I wont know a single person out
there! Am I scared? Yep but as they say, if it doesn’t challenge you- it won’t
change you!
Moral of the blog post? We often get so caught up in life
that we forget to really look after ourselves and do what makes us happy. Those
are some of the things I’ve added/changed in my life to look after me. Don’t
live your life trying to please everyone around you because honestly, that’s
just not possible and at the end of the day- this is your life- live it in a way that pleases you, not a way that meets
others expectations.
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