
So it’s September....what!? I feel like everyone is saying this but I can’t actually believe how quickly this year has gone by- it won’t be long until we’re carving pumpkins, setting fireworks off and starting the Christmas festivities (ok I’m getting ahead of myself now!) This month I’ve decided to set a few goals of things I want to start working towards/achieve throughout the month- looking back at this year the only thing I can reflect on is my illness and I feel that having little goals is a big step forward to achieving things and getting on track. I feel like the start of a new month is the perfect time to reflect and think about things I want/need to do…


Save money- I’m not going to lie, I’m quite frankly terrible when it comes to money! As soon as it enters my account I’m spending on just about anything and everything. I delay checking my account balance, due to fear of what it will show, and when I eventually do I’m usually left with next to nothing and weeks until pay day. The worst part is having nothing to show for the money, it’s not like I go out buying nice clothes or spend it on day trips- most of it’s spent on complete rubbish when I’m feeling crap. This month I’m on a mission to save my money! I’ve made a plan of how much I’m putting away to save and I’m giving myself a budget to spend throughout the month- I think the best way for me to do this is withdraw X amount of money and put my card away- that way if I spend the cash I’ve withdrawn its tough luck. Hopefully this will make me more sensible with money and will allow me to actually save for the important things!
Spend more time on me- Throughout September I want to get in to the habit of having some well-earned me time. By this I mean taking care of myself and treating myself to the things I enjoy. Throughout this year whilst I’ve been struggling I’ve got out of the habit of this- I rarely do my make-up, don’t really care what I wear etc and I’ve come to a point where that needs to change. I want to spend time doing my make-up and finding outfits I like, getting my nails done and just pampering myself- not to look different but just purely because I know I enjoy it and it’s something that helps to make me feel good. I’m a bugger for running around everywhere trying to fill my time so I don’t have chance to think- I want to aim towards relaxing in the bath with a Lush bath bomb (because who doesn’t love that), watching my favourite boxset in bed or simply just reading a good book. I want to look after me and that’s something I’ve not said/thought for a long time.
Enjoy my holiday- Later this month I’m jetting off on my first holiday of the year to Sardinia in Italy and I cannot wait! I’m a bit of a travel bug and love a good holiday so its unusual that I’ve not been away yet this year- I’ve definitely tried- I had a couple of holidays/trips away booked earlier in the year but had to cancel them due to being unwell so I’m nervous but looking forward to this one! I know that you can’t run away from your own mind- so I just need to accept that, like at home, I am going to struggle to some extent whilst I’m away and the change in routine is going to be a challenge but it’s certainly worth it. I’m going to really try to just enjoy the break, have some chill time in the sun, do what I want- when I want and push myself to enjoy the amazing food/drinks that Italy has to offer. Mental illness has stole enough from me this year – I’m determined not to let it ruin the holiday.
Get organised- This year has felt like one chaotic mess. As part of my recovery I want to become more organised as I feel this will help me massively! I’ve felt like I’ve just been holding on by a thread and scraping through with both my personal and work life and if I want to get well that’s got to change. This month I hope to become more organised and have structure in place with blogging, fitness, socialising, me-time, finances and within my job so that I can do well and enjoy it rather than worrying and burying myself under 1000 pieces of paperwork. Of course I don’t want everything planned and structured as I have previously said I want to be more spontaneous however I feel when it comes to some things organisation and putting the work in is key!
Make Plans- Finally I want to start making plans to inspire and motivate me to recover and live life to the fullest. My mental illness has already stole so much of my life and my biggest nightmare would be to look back when I’m old and to have not achieved the things I dream about due to being unwell. Like I’ve said, and I don’t say it lightly, I’m willing to throw everything I can in to recovery and push myself through the lows- because there’s a whole world out there of opportunities and places to see. All being well I want to look in to doing some travelling at the end of next year – I’ve been looking at America, Bali or Thailand- just looking at these has already given me so much motivation and inspiration so I want to keep looking at this, as well as other things, and start making plans for the  future. Because every dream needs a plan!
So those are my goals for September- nothing too difficult, but changes I want to start making that will help me on my journey to recovery and to getting my life back.

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