Bad Days...

When starting this blog, I had so many ideas of how I wanted it to look. Most importantly, the two things I wanted it to be are; positive & honest. So I guess you could say I’m going against the positive part by titling this post as ‘bad days’, but let’s be honest here- they are something that we all experience! So how do we overcome them?  

Previously, whenever I had a bad day, I’d panic. I’d completely fall to pieces and think that I was going back to square one. I’d do everything I could to deny the way I felt until it became too overwhelming and completely consumed me. I’d feel guilty for feeling negative and beat myself up about not being positive, happy or grateful for all I have. That’s not the way to respond to bad days, it’s just the only way I knew how.
So what changed? Although my bad days are much fewer and further between, of course I still have them. The only difference now is that I’ve learnt that that’s all they are…bad days. I don’t try to run from them or deny their existence. I’ve learnt to validate and accept every emotion both good and bad. I accept when I’m feeling low or anxious and I do things that help me to get through them.

The reality is nothing can ever be ‘perfect’. You don’t need a mental illness to experience bad days, every single human on this planet experiences them! Fact is, there are always going to be times when things don’t go your way, you’re faced with a problem, a challenge or you just generally feel gloomy. In these cases, there’s no magic cure and no perfect solution, but the best thing you can ever do is to ride through them. Figure out what makes you smile, what makes you feel at your best and make sure to incorporate them in these days- nobody is saying they’re going to fix everything and make you burst with happiness- but the bad day will be much more manageable.

I guess my biggest advice comes down to self care. Take care of yourself, only you know exactly what you need, so these are the days when you need to be making sure that you’re at the top of your priority list. Need to cancel on a friend? Need to say no to a gym class so you can have a long relaxing bath? Need a cry? Do it! And most importantly, don’t ever beat yourself up for it- it means you’re human!
 My personal top 5 tips for getting through a bad day;
1)      Make a gratitude list; write 3 things that you are a grateful for- remind yourself of all the good that you have in your life.
2)      Get outside; Even if it’s just for a 10 minute walk! The fresh air and change of scenery can be the most helpful thing!
3)      Have some ‘me time’: run a bath, read a book, watch your favourite series on Netflix- just take time for your self, the to do list can wait!
4)      Move yourself & fuel yourself- (ok, two in one here!) I always find that eating well and getting a good workout in is what helps me feel my self! The work out releases positive endorphins and on these days we need as much of that as we can get, am I right?
5)      Remind yourself, it’s just a bad day & that it’s ok! I see every challenge or bad day as a ‘character builder’ it makes us more resilient, strong and most importantly; grateful for the good days!
And always remember, a problem shared is a problem halved. Talk about what’s on your mind, get it off your chest, get another person’s perspective! No matter what it is, if it’s something or nothing- it’s affecting you? Therefore, it’s worth talking about! Telling somebody how you feel isn’t sign of weakness, if anything it’s the polar opposite!
KB x

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