2018 Solo Travel Adventure

Travel 2018.

If you’ve followed me on Instagram for a while or have read my previous posts, you’ll know that I was due to fly out to Bali this month for a two week adventure. However, my plans changed! After lots of hesitation and research I’ve now booked a one way ticket to Australia on a 12 month working holiday visa. I’ll be starting 2018 in style!
I feel that I was playing it safe with a 2 week adventure and for those of you that know me ‘playing it safe’ is not my style. I still want to see Bali of course, so will be making a trip there for a holiday during/after Australia.
Going to Australia has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. In high school I would be researching different careers that could lead to a life in Australia and I’ve always been fascinated by people that have been, questioning them about the different places to explore.

There’s something about getting on a plane and just discovering new things/places. I LOVE travelling, there is so much of the world out there and the last thing I want is to be stuck in a tiny part of it with no experience of the things around me. How can we know where we are meant to be or where makes us most happy if we only know what’s familiar to us!? And yes, I’m going solo- most people look at me like I’m made when I tell them but it’s my adventure and I can’t wait to meet new people and learn more about myself and what makes me tick.
So what exactly will I be doing?
I’ve booked on to a company called Oz intro, whom I will be spending my first 9 days with to start me off on my backpacking adventure. If you’re travelling alone or it’s your first time I recommend researching and booking on to a company like these, not only does it allow you to meet other travellers, but it comes with support with anything you need from job searching, travel advice and of course getting to know and exploring places! There’s a huge list of excursions that are included with my package from beach BBQs, surfing, snorkelling right through to jet boarding on Sydney Harbour. This particular company also offers support and free internet access for the whole time you’re in Australia- calling it ‘your home away from home’ which is definitely a comfort!
Once I’ve completed my time with Oz intro, who knows whats next!! I guess the plan of course is to secure a job and travel around! I’ve done my fair share of research and the advice I keep getting over and over is to have a list of places I want to visit but don’t have a ‘structured plan’ because you’ll obviously meet people and plans will change!! I have a few places and things I want to see/do though, which include:

-Skydive in Wollagong    -Visit Australia Zoo    - Travel the East Coast   - Learn to surf  - Live in Melbourne
I could go on forever but I guess you’ll see what I get up to whilst on my travels, because of course my canon will be coming along with me to capture everything and I plan to blog my adventure as much as possible!
So How have I done this???
I literally just grew a pair, made the decision and booked it!! I’ve always said I’ve wanted to do it so why not now!? Since I was unwell I made a promise to my self to never sit dreaming about things I’d love to do or see, just make the plans and make them happen!
Of course I had to get a working holiday visa, which was a lot easier than I thought! I literally applied through the Australian government and within half an hour it had been processed and accepted! I booked my flights and started my research! On a more serious note it has involved a lot of saving but nothing too extensive, I’ve been putting a £100-200 a month in savings for quite a while and it’s slowly but surely added up. As its becoming closer I’ve had to up my game and decline the odd night out and use my will power to avoid the high street, but it will all be more than worth it!!
So, Feb 2018 I will be stepping on that plane to the unknown for an adventure of a life time! I still keep pinching my self. Until I leave I will be blogging all of my preperations leading up to it and of course there will be as many posts of possible of my journey whilst I’m away!
Have you got things or places that you’ve always wanted to see or do? Believe in your self, grab your courage and go for it!!

“If we were meant to stay in one place we would have roots instead of feet”


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