Living In Recovery

Living in recovery from a Mental Health problem.

When I first started this blog alongside my Instagram it was for many different reasons. However, one of my priorities was to log my recovery journey in the most honest way, to give people an insight and understanding as well as, hopefully, being a comfort for those going through similar experiences.
So I guess this post is about that- honesty.  It’s a reminder that everyone’s lives aren’t always what they seem from their Instagram and that’s perfectly ok.
Over the past couple of weeks those looking at my Instagram will have seen all of the exciting things that I got up to...a week off work filled with meals out, V festival, afternoon tea, cocktails in Manchester- you name it! Those that read the photo captions will have had a little insight to things not being quite as perfect as they seem- but still, very positive posts.

What you don’t however see is how a simple week off can contribute so significantly to my mental health problems in perhaps a negative way.
Not only was I going out of my comfort zone to social events and eating foods that my eating disorder would scream no at- I was also out of my usual routine. It’s triggered my anxiety to go through the roof and my negativity popping its head out much more frequently than I’d like. I’ve spent the last few days in such a negative mindset, wanting to hide away in bed with no motivation to do things. So why?

Most people would love a week off doing nothing but coffee dates, cocktails and indulging. Why is it something that doesn’t sit well with me? I only ever have time off work to travel/holidays which is something I love, but I thought I’d test the waters with a simple week off staying put and catching up with people. Why was it different? I would often ask myself this and beat myself up for why I can’t be like a ‘normal’ person.  I’m learning to tell myself that it’s ok. Nobody can be in the place I was 12 months ago and just have a straight forward positive recovery with no lapses or hurdles along the way. Recovery isn’t linear- it’s taking the downs with the ups and learning from it all. Stepping outside of my routine and comfort zone is bound to affect me, it’s something I have avoided and have carried such negative thoughts and beliefs around for so long that just aren’t that simple to break.
Recovery is based upon percentages, definitely not perfection. I may not be where I want to be yet but I’m constantly trying and working to get to that point and I’ve come such a long way from this time last year.
So for those of you in a similar situation or if you are generally having a tough week- here’s what I do to get myself back up….
1)      Routine- Get back in to a routine with my work, blog, sleep, fitness, food. Everything! I find having structure to my days makes me much more productive and helps to keep me grounded.
2)      People- Surround myself with the people that make me feel good, understand me and most importantly accept me for who I am!
3)      Self-Development books- Nothing beats an hour of going offline to lose yourself in a good book. Just lately self-development books are my guilty pleasure, helping me to understand and build on my difficulties.
4)      Outdoors- I’m definitely becoming more ‘out-doorsy’ I don’t think you can beat a wander outside to clear your mind!  
5)      Make plans- Life is never going to be exciting if you don’t have goals or plans to work towards! I’m heading to Bali in October, where next?
My blog has been neglected for quite some time, I’ve been questioning myself and my abilities to write. So here’s me setting a goal of a minimum of 1 post per week. I want to blog about different aspects of my life, adventures, travels, fitness etc. Of course mental health will be a part of the posts as it’s a part of my life however there is more to me than my mental health and I look forward to sharing it with you!

K x

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