I like to compare recovery to being on the road- heading
somewhere. You are aware that it’s going to be a really long journey and it is
likely that there will be obstacles to make the trip more difficult but that doesn’t
mean they don’t overwhelm or shock you when they occur. These obstacles could
be anything from long traffic where you feel like you just aren’t moving
forward to closed roads where you have to take a different route. The point is
to keep going- no matter how difficult the journey is or how many times you
feel that you can’t continue, it’s about remembering how much you need to get
to the destination and all the positives that will come from you getting there.
Linking this in to my current situation for the last couple
of months I have experienced some huge obstacles, some of which made me feel
like giving up and almost certain that I would never reach where I’m heading. My
thoughts and moods have dragged me down and consequently my lack of motivation
has kept me at a standstill. I’ve found functioning in day to day life
extremely hard and being completely honest I can’t recall a week where I’ve not
had some form of meltdown. This explains why my blog has been neglected for a
good while- It’s not that I haven’t wanted to write, its one of my favourite
things to do, I guess I’ve just not been in the right frame of mind and my
thoughts got the better of me. This has caused me to have to take a new route
down my road to recovery in the form of different types of support, medication
and coping strategies. I’m back on my mission to get back in control, put
myself back in the driving seat and be in charge of the direction I’m heading
instead of the thoughts, feelings and anxiety making the decisions for me.
I’m going to do my best to stay on top of the blog and keep writing, so keep checking back for future posts. To any readers who are experiencing similar struggles please remember that no matter how tough the journey- you will get to the other end, it’s just about believing it and never giving up.
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