October 2017

The start of a new month!

Hello October!  I can’t believe how quickly the months are coming and going! I’m pretty excited for this month for a few reasons, most importantly, if I’m really honest Autumn/winter is probably my favourite time of the year- there’s nothing better than cosy jumpers, long walks, snuggly nights in and of course the build up to Christmas!! It’s also important to me in other ways- most of this year has passed me by in a complete blur of being unwell, I feel like for the majority of it I’ve just existed. Well… not anymore! As you all know I’m on a mission to get my life back and I’m determined to not let this illness steal any more time from me.
You all know by now I’m all for a bit of goal setting. I believe that in order to achieve and motivate ourselves to meet long term goals, we need to be working towards smaller ones along the way.
In a previous post I wrote a few goals that I’d like to achieve in the month of September, so let’s see how I did…
-Enjoy my holiday; If you’ve read my previous posts you will know that this holiday was a much bigger challenge than I’d imagined. I was completely out of my comfort zone, completely out of routine and to be really honest, I was completely out of my depth. However, I went. Yes there were times that I really struggled and broke down but there were also times where I laughed and genuinely felt happy to be in such a beautiful place. No matter how hard it was I was able to stand on a beautiful beach in Italy, the sun pounding down on me whilst looking at the most beautiful views- something at many points this year I thought I would never be able to do again.
- Make plans; As mentioned on my September post, I would love to make plans to see more of the world and this still stands. No official plans have been made, no flights been booked but I’m still aiming high and pushing myself out of my comfort zone with smaller plans such as going out with friends. Taking it all one step at a time, but heading in the right direction!
-Spend more time on me; I feel I can give myself a big pat on the back for this one! This month I’ve spent more time than I ever have on myself. From lazy nights in bed watching boxsets to long bubble baths with a good book- I’ve took time out for myself and feel a lot better for it. I’m not saying I do this all the time and there is definitely room for improvement but on the whole, I’ve pretty much nailed this one!
-Save money; I’m not gonna lie I’m still not great with money however I have opened a savings account this month and managed to save a good amount of money for the month! Onwards and Upwards!

So what this month?
Firstly, I’d like to continue to do some of the previous ones. I want to carry on having the much needed ‘me time’ and of course do my best to save money! As well as this I’d also like to;
-Get back in to the things I love; This is quite a broad one but things such as long walks, cooking new recipes, running, fitness in general.. I want to try to get in to a routine with and reintroduce to my life. Of course I have to be extremely careful especially with the fitness part but as long as I’m honest with myself and people around me, there’s no reason why I can’t do the things I love.
-Say YES more; I’ve mostly always been a no girl. People would ask me to go places and do different things and my answer 9 times out of 10 would be no, I’d stay well placed in my little comfort zone. Obviously there have been times this year where I had to say no for not being well enough to do some things, but this month I aim to chuck myself out of the comfort zone and say yes more. Who knows, I might just enjoy it.
-Finally, keep blogging! I’ve always loved writing and found it the perfect way for me to vent or offload and it’s my creative therapy! It’s been an ambition of mine for a long time to have a blog and I’m really enjoying it. So this month I aim to blog as much as possible and about all different things. To think that I could be reaching out and helping even one of you, makes it more than worthwhile!
So, get setting your goals for October! What is it that you want to achieve?

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